3 Quotes & Sayings By Saffron A Kent

Saffron A. Kent was born in India and grew up in Hong Kong. She is the author of the bestselling book, The Fittest Woman Ever! Inspiring Stories of Women Who Have Brought Their Physiques Back From Disaster, Pain, and Despair. She has also written two other books for women: The Fittest Woman Ever! Inspiring Stories of Women Who Have Brought Their Physiques Back From Disaster, Pain, and Despair, Vol Read more

2 & The Fittest Woman Ever! Inspiring Stories of Women Who Have Brought Their Physiques Back From Disaster, Pain, and Despair, Vol. 3.

I’m his puppet and he is my invisible master, holding my strings from miles away. Saffron A. Kent
People think it's the monsters who do bad things, but it's not. It's people like us. All the monsters ever do is live in storybooks. Or in closets. It's the humans who destroy things. Life isn't black and white, James. It's all fucking gray. Saffron A. Kent